A few thoughts
October 19, 2008

As I mentioned in my first post, I started this blog as a part of a course assignment. I’m taking a course on online life writing and obviously there is no better way to learn about online life writing than giving it a try myself. I brainstormed topics for a week or so before deciding on this topic. I have to say now that I’ve been writing for a few weeks how glad I am that I settled on this topic of being tall. I’ve found it personally rewarding to put together these posts, and I hope that some of my readers find them valuable as well.

It makes me think that the process of writing about something a person dwells on can be a very worthwhile and even therapeutic activity. For me (and I know this might sound strange) but being conscious of being tall runs through my mind a lot. It depends on the activity and the environment – standing vs. sitting, new people vs. old friends – and it isn’t like that is all that runs through my mind, but it definitely does creep in there. I’ve been thinking more lately though with writing this blog and I feel like now that some of these thoughts are out of my head and written down I’m not as conscious of being tall. Or at least, not in a bad way. I think I may even be walking a little taller these days. I’m actually experiencing one of the things we’ve discussed in my course. This thing is scriptotherapy. Basically scriptotherapy is writing to release emotion. (Here’s an interesting article http://www.post-gazette.com/healthscience/19980804hpen5.asp). I don’t want to sound overdramatic – I’ve just noticed that when I really started to think and write about what it is/was that bothered me about being tall I’ve somehow started to embrace it more as well.

Part of this also comes from doing much more reading and looking around at other tall blogs, tall websites, tall resources, articles about height etc. etc. Becoming more informed has exposed me to plenty of new perspectives from women and men both taller and shorter than me. A site that I really like is www.tallwomen.org. This website is literally chock-full of resources for tall women. I can’t get through it all! It also has a very positive message which I dig as well.

Anyway, enough thoughts for tonight. And thanks for reading them.